- tweaked scorched grass sprite
- added random rotation to ashen sand
- fixed server crash
- Added the barrens to some of Forge's biome tags
- Added a lang translation key
- Removed an unused biome tag
- Added two entity type tags (both only contain vanilla creepers by default).
: when Pehkui is installed, mobs added to this tag have a 12.5% chance to be up to 50% larger and 25% slower upon spawning in the blasted barrens.blasted_barrens:low_vision
: mobs added to this tag have their vision reduced by about 80% in blasted barrens biomes. However, visibility is actually higher for Pehkui-upsized mobs, so they'll approach out of the fog from even farther away than usual. Maybe I'll make this configurable later :)
- Initial release!