Minor update for version sync
Added a new "cells" structure.
- Fixed issues with Loottables spawning the same/similar items everytime.
small LootTable update
Updated to 1.21.4
Updated with new stair room.
Added new library room structures & updated to a new fabric loader version
Added additional intersection variants.
- Changed/Edited Directories(for workspace optimization) + Added New Safe Rooms
- Fixed an issue where some older Safe Rooms weren't spawning in.
Fixed Several Namespaced Inconsistencies & Changed/Reduced Torch Placement for a More Immersive Experience
- Alternative Halls for the intersections(or x-shaped).
- Additional Hallways for increased variation.
Fixed Some Issues Preventing Certain Halls/Rooms From Spawning
Updated to 1.21.3
updated to 1.21.2
Added some additional varients of rooms and hallways
Fixes Several Problems, and makes changes to certain Loot Tables
The First Version of this mod