This is a purely bugfix and minor changes update to clear the way for some bigger features soon.
- Added mod logo to the internal icon so it appears in mod lists
- Added missing Block Dispenser and vanilla Dispenser behavior for arrow variants and soul urns
- Made Battle Axe actually function like both an axe and a sword - sweeping attacks work, cobwebs are cut quickly like swords, etc
- Fixed behaviors and duplication glitches for some blocks that both require a supporting block and are piston pushable (unfired pottery, hand cranks)
- Lots of tweaks to detector logic blocks behind the scenes. No longer triggered by cave air, logic block changes no longer update neighboring observers, better handling when the detector is pushed by a piston
- Made hibachis conduct redstone when strongly powered, so neighboring hibachis are more easily lit
- Made hibachis destroy flammable blocks placed directly above them, as if immediately incinerated
- Gave planter variants proper collision and outline boxes. Empty planters no longer support some blocks like redstone dust, but filled planters still do
- Made mining charges require a supporting block when placed by hand, but still placeable in the air when dispensed by a dispenser/BD.
- Fixed mining charge loot table (wasn't dropping anything before)
- Removed the mechanical hopper's redstone output when its slots are full, since this functionality is superseded by comparators
- Fixed some blocks conducting redstone through them when they shouldn't
- Disallowed blocks requiring a supporting block from being placed on top of cooking pots (cauldron/crucible)
- Made cooking pots, when tipped on their side, able to dump their contents into a block that is occupied but has no collision.
- Made collision handlers for the windmill and water wheel less janky. They should feel more solid, and less "bounce you away from their center point"
- Soul urns can now be thrown, and its occupant will escape where it lands
- Added functionality to nethercoal - cooking time, and efficient torch and soul torch crafting
- Changed detector block to take 2 game ticks to change state instead of instantly
- Reduced tick rate of the light block from 4 ticks to 2 to give it differentiate more from the redstone lamp
- Food that wolves pick up off the ground now heals them for more health to match a recent vanilla change
- Made special BTW tools (battle axe and mattock) properly enchantable. They each gain enchantability from both of their parent tools (shovel+pick, axe+sword). Sweeping edge on the battle axe doesn't work yet though; still gotta fix that.
- Added saw dust to the creative inventory, which also fixes it not appearing in EMI
- Fix recipe remainders (e.g. buckets) getting deleted in cooking pots. No recipes in BWT were affected by this, but it improves mod compatibility
- Removed blood wood sign variants, at least temporarily. They're more complicated than I thought, and I need to do a lot more work to implement them properly
- Fixed lens beams and invisible detector logic blocks being pushable by pistons
- Added a bunch of new Advancements and tweaked descriptions to fill out the tech tree, and hopefully provide some guidance to new players
- Made hemp un-bonemeal-able for balance purposes. It's a slow start, which makes getting your first windmill more rewarding
- Added missing translation for saw death message
- Added some missing items to the creative menu
- Fixed saws breaking when water flowed into them
- Made mob spawner mossy cobble conversion recipe based, and added conversion for cobblestone walls, slabs, and stairs.
- Changed the default value of the gamerule that disables vanilla hopper item transfer to false. If you have an existing world, you may need to change this value manually, since only the default value changed. I need to do more work to balancing vanilla hoppers before I mess with this.
- Made windmills and water wheels visible from much further away
- Added the ability to plant small flowers on top of vases
- Added improved vase textures from Stohun
- Added custom kiln block cooking overlay texture from Stohun, which also fixes the bug of only one cooking overlay being visible at once
- Added improved stoked fire modeling from Stohun
- Fixed more soul forge bugs. Let's hope it works this time!
- Fixed lenses not always updating their lit state due to the way other blocks send neighbor updates
- Fixed corner blocks not being placeable in the top halves of blocks
Some new changes, a lot of bugfixes and improvements for mod compatibility!
- Added dirt slabs. @prime was at the forefront of this, thanks prime!
- Added recycling recipe for bows in a stoked cauldron
- Bellows now properly lift players/item entities sitting on top of them when they inflate
- Changed anchor recipe to use smooth stone, to avoid a conflict with the vanilla stonecutter
- Added a high efficiency recipe for bowls using corners
- Nether wart no longer grows in the overworld
- Added many, many missing item tags for corresponding block tags. This shouldn't have had a huge impact on gameplay, but it matters for mod interactions
- Added vine traps to the creative inventory, which were previously missing
- Added more missing translation entries
- Added missing block loot drops and tool efficiency tags
- Fixed stoked fire not immediately disappearing when the hibachi below is broken
- Changed hemp crop model to be appropriately lower on farmland
- Added compatibility tag for Farmer's Delight to prevent hemp from being OP on its rich soil
- Fixed axles transferring mechanical power to their sides
- Reworked internals to make the calculation of what counts as fire below a cauldron/crucible/kiln more moddable
- Fixed gearboxes breaking in thunderstorms even when stopped with redstone power
- Fixed saws breaking on short grass. Let me know if there are more things like this that I'm missing