- Prevent combination of conflicting enchantment uppon Catalyst combining on Anvil (might add an option to disable this latter in config)
- Added config for Catalyst combination price multiplier.
- Added config for chances to give back Dull Magic Shard uppon ising a full one on crafting recipes.
Added a new functionality : the Enchantment Catalyst
- Catalyst can be use at a Grindstone to with an enchanted item (or book) to store all enchantments of the object in the Catalatys. Doing so destroy the original object.
- Catalyst can then be used at an anvil with an unanchanted item to transfer enchantments to it.
- Ther is a 10% chance (value can be changed in config) that an empty Catalyst will be returned when on use on an Anvil.
- Catalysts can be merged together but for a very hight price.
- Fixe trial chamber reward not beeing replace with essences and other ingredients.
Re-added modMenu support.
Fixe config file not working on server, thanks to @maloryware
Fixed bug with item cost overide
The config update :
- Any enchant can be disable from the enchanting table via config.
- Xp, Lapis and Item cost cas be configured via file.
- ModMenu intégration.
Added full compat with Spell engine mod suite.
- Fixed enchantement price colored red when they should be green
- Fixed bug allowing to click on enchantments not displayed
- Add Quick Move support (Shift+Left click).
Added support for custom enchanting book model. The enchanted books showed in the enchanting table are now related to your ressource pack. This should provide support for custom item model.
- Added API function to allow external mod to add their own enchantments ingredients to this mod
- Started work on Spell Engine compatibility.
- Fixed a crash when Horseshoes mod not present
- Add support for Villager trade rebalance
Fixed a bug with The Bumblezone essences.
Added support for Horseshoes mod
- Added support for enchants from Dungeons & taverns.
- Added support for enchants from The Bumblezone.
- Rework how valids enchants are generated to be more robust and versatile.
First step of full mod support :
- Added full support for https://modrinth.com/datapack/neoenchant
- Fixed a potential conflit on loot table generation
- Config will auto-detect all enchant with full compatibility and insert them in the config file.
- Filling magic shard now cost 5 Levels instead of 10.
- Crafting an essence now have 65% chance to refund a dull magic shard.
- Fundation for future configurations options of those values.
(Don't ask about 0.6)
Rewrite how enchanted books are handeled in loot chest :
- All enchanted books will be automaticly replaced by the ingredients of each individual enchantments of the book upon generation.
- If the enchantment is not present on the config (i.e. moded enchants not configured), a bottle of experience will be added instead.
- If the ingredient generated is not an ingredient for the max level (not an essence for all vaninila enchants), a random amount of the item is added, otherwise, just one.
This update should be a step closer to full compatibility with other mods adding enchantments.
Add proper compatibility with modded enchantments. All enchantments in the tags "in_enchanting_table" or "treasure" will be present in the enchanting table. Alle enchantment in the tag "curse" will not apear.
Fixed loot table registering wrong due to mod namespace renaming.