fixed a crash due to fabric being stupid and not fixing a vanilla bug like forge
fixed loot tables fixed ceiling banners
- fixed lectern editing not working properly
- updated to newest moonlight version
added more tags for many modded items (thanks to Cicopath) added skull pile blacklist tag
- hitting a lantern or sign will now emit a game event detectable by sculk
- fixed an issue with swinging animation on servers
- all cauldron interaction will now properly emit a game event
- double cake and directional cakes will also emit game events
- you can now add glow ink to cauldrons to make them glow
- fixed a crash when crafting soup on fabric
- fixed cauldron splash particles and sounds not workin on servers for other players
- added more unique disc textures
- improved carpet stairs block rotation logic
- fixed cauldron fluid capability consuming fluid when using simulate action
- fixed cauldrons not accounting for unlit campfires. Added more blocks to cauldron heat sources tag
- wall lanterns and hanging sing animation will now properly be synced on servers
- fixed dye bottle recipe not preserving the item nbt
- added config to tweak held torch and candle sizes
- fixed quark matrix enchant compat for skull candles not working
- campfires will no longer emit smoke particles when having a cauldron above
- added config to further limit campfire smoke through blocks
fixed a dupe with cauldron crafting
fixed soul fired compat
- fixed dragon heads not rendering well
- dragon heads will have a bigger boudning box, fixing a vanilla bug where they dont render when when on the edge of the screen (forge only)
- fixed an issue with dye cauldrons