- Support for ClickEvents has been added
- NeoForge is no longer supported
- Changes builder
- Added new functions in AbstractStyle
- int getTextColor(boolean active)
- boolean textShadow()
- Added new styles: Windows 9X (classic), The World Machine
- Downscaled: clownfish.png; Changed: thanks.png
- Added new functions in Colors for new themes
- Fixes rendering for Slider
- Added new functions in ConfigScreenBuilder
- setCustomConfigScreen(CustomConfigScreen)
- addWidgets()
- addPanelWidgets()
- setIcon() / getIcon() // not currently implemented in the interface
- setItemIcon() / getItemIcon() ^
- Added GsonHelper
- Cleanup code
- And more
- Added support text in HorizontalRule
- Added .setColor(int) / .setColor(int, int) in TextBuilder (Blockquote)
- Updated libs
- Fixed render sprite in Button
- protected -> public (AbstractBuilder)
- Changed default color in Blockquote (Groupie -> Catppuccin Mocha Blue)
- Fixed TextBox
- Fixed ThanksScreen
- Added color: Droplet #ab2b4e