requires apothic Attributes
fixed a crash with forge
- fixed golden mountain biome not generating
- reduced the spawn rate of blue and golden aerfin tree
- added conglomerate to worldgen
Aether Gravitation has been ported to 1.20.1 :
Additions :
- added aerfin, a tree type with 3 different forms(normal, blue and golden).
Changes :
- changed beladon textures(thanks to Quizzly_ for the new log texture)
- changed bronzite palette
- reworked biomes
Removed :
- Removed compat with Deep Aether and Aether Redux(i'll find a way to add it back later on and also add compat with Ancient Aether)
- updated to the latest aether release
- added a new tree, beladon.
older worlds NOT COMPATIBLE with this version.
- fixed battleaxes not able to get hercule's strength
(hopefully final release)
- added a few biomes where the enchanted tree can be found.
- fixed the bronzite shield stack bug
require aeroblender now.
- enchanting table now craftable
- deep aether compat
- fixed broken recipes=
- started Aether Lost Content compat, you can craft a shield if the mod is loaded
- fixed crossbow capabilities
- fixed items stacking to more than 1(cape, pendant, crossbow)
- fixed ghosting of gravitation items in loot chests
- phoenix dart and shooter were removed since it will be added to Aether GOTV(Genesis of the void)
- added wood stripping