Balance changes - buffed silicon & copper netherite and nerfed iron netherite.
Elder guardian drops - Eye & Scales
New sword - The Betrayer which is crafted from the eye and scales.
Added Piaxelos for every single special ingot added to the game (including copper but not gold & iron). Piaxelos are a combination of a pickaxe, axe, hoe, and shovel and thus can break everything at a high speed.
Minor nerfs to the oxidized copper tools. Advancement for getting all of the multitools.
Added Silicon Netherite tools + armor
Fixed a MAJOR bug where if you decrafted blocks you would only get one back instead of 9
Made it so most of the alloy blaster recipes are shapeless
Katana Bugfix + Balance Changes( Removed cooldown & Buffed both the Katana and the Silicon Sulfate Detenator
Katana Changes
Silicon Sulfate & Silicon Sulfate Detenator
Recipe for the Katana
Added a ton of new advancements Added the Katana (Why this uptate is in beta)
Added achievements & trim compatability
Fixed some recipes and added new ones. Changed Silicon Textures to seperate more from iron. (For 1.20)
Fixed some recipes and added new ones. Changed Silicon Textures to seperate more from iron.
Added Silicon Armor
Allows the alloy blaster to be placed WITHOUT crashing your game!
Updated to 1.20.1 Crashes if you place the alloy blaster. If you use /fill or /setblock everything works.
Update to 1.20
Updated to 1.19.4
Updated to 1.19.3
Added Copper-Netherite, Iron-Netherite & Oxidized Copper tools weapons, armor and blocks. Also made all of the blocks added minable.
Added REI support
Initial Release