- Updated for 1.21.4
New Recipes
- Creaking Spawn Egg
- Updated for 1.21
- Updated link in
to use the new docs website.
New Recipes
- Breeze Spawn Egg
- Bogged Spawn Egg
- Updated for 1.20.6
- Stray spawn egg will now use the
item tag.
New Recipes
- Armadillo Spawn Egg
v1.4 changelogv1.4 changelog+ Updated For 1.16 Nether Update+ All nether creatures are in their own recipe subfolder.+ Added trigger command /trigger SpawnerCraftInfo+ New Recipes!Shaped: [] [B] [] [S] [E] [S] = hoglin_spawn_egg [] [G] []G=gold_ingot E=egg S=porkchop B=bone [] [B] [] [S] [E] [S] = strider_spawn_egg [] [G] []G=gold_ingot E=egg S=string B=lava_bucket Shapeless:zombie_spawn_egg + piglin_spawn_egg = zombified_piglin_spawn_eggzombie_spawn_egg + hoglin_spawn_egg = zoglin_spawn_eggpig_spawn_egg + gold_ingot = piglin_spawn_egg
added bee recipe:
[] [B] []
[H] [E] [H]
[] [G] []
E=egg B=honey bottle G=gold ingot H=honey comb
Custom Spawn Eggs
carvedpumpkin + snowblockX2 = snowgolemspawnegg carvedpumpkin + ironblockX4 = irongolemspawnegg dragonhead + dragonbreathX8 = dragonspawnegg witherskullX3 + soulsandX4 = witherspawnegg pillageregg + diamond X8 = illgerspawnegg shears(not used) + Snowgolemspawnegg = derpysnowgolemspaw egg