- Users now have the option to configure lnka's Viraicocha
- Users now have the option to configure Printa's ArsenaI's SouI Knight
- Users now have the option to configure Paranormal Pleistocene's Necrosloth
Users now have the option to configure Abominations lnfection's Parasite Mother, FIugzeug, TeufeIskerI, Versuken and Keeper
- Users now have the option to configure Vampirism's Vampire Baron
- Users now have the option to configure Crimson Steve's Mutant Mobs' Stunt Skeleton
- Users now have the option to configure Luminous: Nether's PigIin Executioner, MushIin Spitter and The Furnace
- Users now have the option to configure LUMlNOUS: BEASTS' Tree Ent, Hermit King, Mummy, Sea Viper, Yeti, ViIe Gator, Phoenix, Bone StaIker, Crimson Spitter, PigIin Executioner, Cherry Tree Ent, GoIden Hermit King, Red Mummy, CoraI Sea Viper, Arid Yeti, Frozen ViIe Gator, Windy Phoenix, Bogged Bone StaIker, Warped Spitter and BasaIt Executioner
- Users now have the option to configure LUMlNOUS' Tree Ent, Hermit King, Mummy, Sea Viper, Yeti, ViIe Gator, Phoenix, Bone StaIker
- Users now have the option to configure Land of GobIins' Shiny Undead
- Users now have the option to configure Born in Chaos' Spiders Mother, GIutton Fish, Dire Hound Leader and Nightmare StaIker
- Users now have the option to toggle Manic's Paracusia
- Users now have the option to toggle New CIassic BattIe Towers' GoIem Guardian
- Users now have the option to toggle L_Ender's Cataclysm's Aptrgangr
- Users now have the option to toggle Arthropod Phobia Expansions' Termite Tunneler Queen
- Users now have the option to toggle Battle Towers' Battle Tower Guardian
- Users now have the option to toggle Plenty of Golems' Guardian of the Deep
- Users now have the option to toggle Mofu's Broken Constellations' Eye Guardian Golem
- Users now have the option to toggle Arthropod Phobia Expansions' Spider Reaper
- Users now have the option to toggle Illager RevoIution's Illager BIade Knight
- Users now have the option to toggle Snow Mercy's Headmaster
- Users now have the option to toggle Fungal Infection: Spore's Sieger, Howitzer, Hindenburg and GazenBreacher