- Fixed Porygon-WES shiny texture
- Fixed Items not being registered on servers
- Fixed Several nether spawn tags
Gravelmon 2.2!
- Moved move substitution to a code implementation provided by Gravel's Extended Battles.
- Moved the species-additions added by gravelmon (evo's and prevo's) to the 'gravelmon' namespace.
- Made new regional forms into forms that are added through additions rather then them being their own species for increased compatibility with other mods. This will break things if you are updating from a prior version and have caught a pokemon that matches that description. See the announcement for how to properly update the mod.
New features:
- Added starter pokemon to the starter screen! Gravelmon will automatically add any allowed starter to the starter screen.
- Added fossils for all fossil Fakemon featured in the mod! These fossils spawn in the existing and new dig sites.
- Added more evolution items for evolving some of the new Fakemon from the last update.
- Added recipes for all of the new evolution items that should realistically have a recipe.
- Added functionality to all of the new held items added by Gravelmon.
- Added several new held items.
World Generation
- Added fossil structures for Sputnink and Iceros.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the snore ball crashing the server.
- Fixed appricorns not being placeable.
- Fixed evolution notification spam.
- Fixed various mistakes in pokemon data.
- Fixed Pokemon having a hidden ability when that ability was the same as one of its regular abilities.
- Fixed pre-evolutions not respecting the proper form of a pokemon (Cobbreeding compat).
- Fixed Ark ball crashing servers.
- Fixed infinite tooltips for the poke balls on forge.
New Pokemon Models:
Blazing Emerald
- Hoennian Onix
- Chrysalix
- Hoennian Dreepy
- Hoennian Drakload
- Hoennian Dragapult
- Oreon
- Yukidaru
- Doraiasu
- Iyaiya
- Yandeddo
- Valentide
- Gorochu
- Nidorook
- Mewthree
- Egho Oddish
- Egho Gloom
- Viledoom
- Mortossum
- Egho Hoothoot (For real this time)
- Egho Noctowl
- Grimfowl
- Egho Totodile
- Egho Croconaw
- Egho Feraligatr
- Oculeus
- Arkhaos
- Delta Ruin Beldum
- Delta Ruin Metang
- Delta Ruin Metagross
- Delta Misdreavus
- Delta Mismagius
Radical Red
- Seviian Carnivine
- Harpee
- Aquilor
- Warquila
- Bluffin
- Burrmudail
- Chihaha
- Howlequin
- Fortifry
- Oarwish
- Cowatti
- Gachigachoo
- Yemin
- Kungfur
- Birigiri
- Sputnink
- Nebyura
- Gastly X
- Haunter X
- Gengar X
Fixed invalid spawn files fixed missing texture for porygonX fixed magikarp spamming the evolution notification fixed size issues
Same as the fabric version.
Gravelmon 2.1 is here, bringing with it 2000 new Pokemon, several fixes, and an update to the latest Cobblemon Version!
- Crafing recipes for the new Pokeballs, courtesy of williyan
- Automatic pokedex sorting to give a better insight into new evolutions and pre-evolutions
- Fixed several annoying bugs and mistakes
New Billboard Pokemon (2000+):
Regional Forms
Generation 1
Avoris Region - PokeEngine
- Avorian MrMime
Pokemon Daybreak
- Armiran Growlithe
- Armiran Arcanine
- Kaskadian Raticate
- Kaskadian Bellsprout
- Kaskadian Gastly
- Kaskadian Haunter
- Kaskadian Gengar
- Kaskadian Jynx
- Kaskadian Lapras
Pokemon Myth
- Mythian Pidgey
- Mythian Pidgeotto
- Mythian Pidgeot
- Mythian Scyther
- Mythian Lapras
Nosto Region - PokeEngine
- Nostan Diglett
- Nostan Dugtrio
- Nostan Shellder
- Nostan Cloyster
Pokemon Opalo
- Cefiran Venomoth
- Cefiran Diglett
- Cefiran Dugtrio
- Cefiran MeowthFire
- Cefiran Persian Fire
- Cefiran MeowthIce
- Cefiran Persian Ice
- Cefiran MeowthElectric
- Cefiran Persian Electric
Pokemon Vanguard
- Ayreian Bulbasaur
- Ayreian Ivysaur
- Ayreian Venusaur
- Ayreian Charmander
- Ayreian Charmeleon
- Ayreian Charizard
- Ayreian Squirtle
- Ayreian Wartortle
- Ayreian Blastoise
- Ayreian Caterpie
- Ayreian Metapod
- Ayreian Butterfree
- Ayreian Pidgey
- Ayreian Pidgeotto
- Ayreian Pidgeot
- Ayreian Diglett
- Ayreian Dugtrio
- Ayreian Abra
- Ayreian Kadabra
- Ayreian Alakazam
- Ayreian Magnemite
- Ayreian Magneton
- Ayreian Grimer
- Ayreian Muk
- Ayreian Gastly
- Ayreian Haunter
- Ayreian Gengar
- Ayreian Voltorb
- Ayreian Electrode
- Ayreian Pinsir
Varitas Region - PokeEngine
- Varitasian Hitmonlee
- Varitasian Hitmonchan
- Varitasian Porygon
Generation 2
Pokemon Daybreak
- Armiran Tyranitar
- Kaskadian Marill
- Kaskadian Azumarill
- AmazeAllSudowoodo
- Kaskadian Yanma
Pokemon Myth
- Mythian Mareep
- Mythian Flaaffy
- Mythian Ampharos
- Mythian Scizor
Pokemon Opalo
- Cefiran Teddiursa
- Cefiran Ursaring
- Cefiran Slugma
- Cefiran Magcargo
- Cefiran Delibird
- Cefiran Smeargle
Pokemon Vanguard
- Ayreian Chikorita
- Ayreian Bayleef
- Ayreian Meganium
- Ayreian Cyndaquil
- Ayreian Quilava
- Ayreian Typhlosion
- Ayreian Totodile
- Ayreian Croconaw
- Ayreian Feraligatr
- Ayreian Spinarak
- Ayreian Ariados
- Ayreian Stantler
Varitas Region - PokeEngine
- Varitasian Togepi
- Varitasian Togetic
- Varitasian Wobbuffet
- Varitasian Porygon
- Varitasian Tyrogue
- Varitasian Hitmontop
- Varitasian Raikou
- Varitasian Entei
- Varitasian Suicune
Generation 3
Avoris Region - PokeEngine
- Avorian Roselia
Pokemon Daybreak
- Armiran Sceptile
- Armiran Swellow
- Kaskadian Exploud
- Gutsy Castform
- Windy Castform
- Smoggy Castform
- Dusty Castform
- Sandy Castform
- Swarmy Castform
- Spooky Castform
- Whirly Castform
- Allergy Castform
- Zappy Castform
- Zenny Castform
- Sorcery Castform
- Shady Castform
- Lovely Castform
- Kaskadian Tropius
Pokemon Opalo
- Cefiran Makuhita
- Cefiran Hariyama
- Cefiran Sableye
- Cefiran Numel
- Cefiran Camerupt
- Cefiran Vibrava
- Cefiran Flygon
- Cefiran Snorunt
- Cefiran Glalie
Pokemon Vanguard
- Ayreian Torchic
- Ayreian Combusken
- Ayreian Blaziken
- Ayreian Nosepass
- Ayreian Aron
- Ayreian Lairon
- Ayreian Aggron
- Ayreian Roselia
- Ayreian Numel
- Ayreian Camerupt
- Ayreian Trapinch
- Ayreian Vibrava
- Ayreian Flygon
- Ayreian Swablu
- Ayreian Altaria
- Ayreian Lunatone
- Ayreian Relicanth
- Ayreian Luvdisc
Varitas Region - PokeEngine
- Varitasian Swablu
- Varitasian Altaria
Generation 4
Pokemon Daybreak
- Armiran Garchomp
- Armiran Hippopotas
- Armiran Hippowdon
- Kaskadian Bidoof
- Kaskadian Bibarel
- Kaskadian Shinx
- Kaskadian Luxio
- Kaskadian Luxray
- Kaskadian Ambipom
- AmazeAllDrifblim
- Kaskadian Skuntank
- Kaskadian Snover
- Kaskadian Abomasnow
- Sol Rotom
- Sway Rotom
- Brawl Rotom
- Web Rotom
- Junk Rotom
- Home Rotom
- Bass Rotom
- Twirl Rotom
- Mix Rotom
Pokemon Myth
- Mythian Riolu
- Mythian Lucario
Pokemon Opalo
- Cefiran Snover
- Cefiran Abomasnow
- Cefiran Froslass
Rica Region - PokeEngine
- Rican Shellos
- Rican Gastrodon
Pokemon Vanguard
- Ayreian Shinx
- Ayreian Luxio
- Ayreian Luxray
- Ayreian Budew
- Ayreian Roserade
- Ayreian Drifloon
- Ayreian Drifblim
Generation 5
Pokemon Daybreak
- Armiran Roggenrola
- Armiran Boldore
- Armiran Gigalith
- Kaskadian Excadrill
- Kaskadian Gurdurr
- Kaskadian Conkeldurr
- Kaskadian Solosis
- Kaskadian Duosion
- Kaskadian Reuniclus
- Kaskadian Golett
Pokemon Opalo
- Cefiran Petilil
- Cefiran Lilligant
- Cefiran Gothitelle
- Cefiran Golett
- Cefiran Golurk
Pokemon Myth
- Mythian Zorua
- Mythian Zoroark
- Mythian Larvesta
- Mythian Volcarona
Pokemon Vanguard
- Ayreian Dwebble
- Ayreian Archen
- Ayreian Archeops
- Ayreian Minccino
- Ayreian Cinccino
- Ayreian Ducklett
- Ayreian Swanna
- Ayreian Vanillite
- Ayreian Vanillish
- Ayreian Vanniluxe
Varitas Region - PokeEngine
- Varitasian Yamask
- Varitasian Klink
- Varitasian Klang
- Varitasian Tynamo
- Varitasian Eelektrik
- Varitasian Eelektross
Generation 6
Pokemon Daybreak
- Armiran Froakie
- Armiran Frogadier
- Armiran Greninja
- Kaskadian Bunnelby
- Kaskadian Diggersby
- Kaskadian Phantump
- Kaskadian Trevenant
- Kaskadian Dian cie
Pokemon Myth
- Mythian Noivern
Pokemon Opalo
- Cefiran Klefki
Pokemon Vanguard
- Ayreian Fletchling
- Ayreian Fletchinder
- Ayreian Pancham
- Ayreian Pangoro
- Ayreian Carbink
- Ayreian Klefki
- Ayreian Pumpkaboo
- Ayreian Gourgeist
- Ayreian Noibat
- Ayreian Noivern
Varitas Region - PokeEngine
- Varitasian Flabebe
- Varitasian Floette
- Varitasian Phantump
- Varitasian Trevenant
Generation 7
- Kaskadian Palossand
- Kaskadian Bruxish
Pokemon Vanguard
- Ayreian Yungoos
- Ayreian Gumshoos
Varitas Region - PokeEngine
- Varitasian Bounsweet
- Varitasian Steenee
Generation 8
- Kaskadian Dubwool
Pokemon Myth
- Mythian Kleavor
Pokemon Vanguard
- Ayreian Grookey
- Ayreian Thwacky
- Ayreian Rillaboom
- Ayreian Sizzlipede
- Ayreian Centiskorch
Varitas Region - PokeEngine
- Varitasian Impidimp
- Varitasian Morgrem
- Varitasian Milcery
- Varitasian Alcremie
Generation 9
Pokemon Vanguard
- Ayreian Sprigatito
- Ayreian Floragato
- Ayreian Meowscarada
- Ayreian Quaxly
- Ayreian Quaxwell
- Ayreian Quaquaval
Amavi Region - PokeEngine
- Ankleaf
- Bashorn
- Tanklyo
- Spawnkey
- Impanzee
- Beelzeboon
- Shellop
- Glossail
- Atlantice
- Lulloon
- Magpipe
- Lyricroon
- Limana
- Snellow
- Tanana
- Florange
- Bandicute
- Maimink
- Twygnet
- Swondola
- Tadilly
- Lillake
- Gruntik
- Battalian t
- Guardian t
- Pincess
- Victorian t
- Maternarch
- Billilium
- Rampede
- Rustangel
- Moundhog
- Hilliage
- Mountiful
- Twirlisk
- Rapunzilla
- Valordian
- Enigmera
- Tryphoon
- Chimagma
- Dazee
- Mesmerilla
- Cooclock
- Grandowl
- Santler
- Eternelk
- Novisect
- Insensei
- Vippain
- Crabsconda
- Forbitten
- Pewtiful
- Aromance
- Barbloom
- Basculips
- Gelatini
- Jellodiac
- Hushroom
- Gruffle
- Trufftroff
- Nymfawn
- Panome
- Centree
- Cubbly
- Koalove
- Larvly
- Purrty
- Papillo
- Tendurse
- Charmacist
- Poxic
- Veyerus
- Kiwee renamed from kiwatt to avoid duplicates
- Skylark
- Hocus
- Pocus
- Presto
- Kirashibi
- Girashibi
- Twiskers
- Rotarat
- Slycicle
- Shreadly
- Shilver
- Slushound
- Auburnt
- Pyrote
- Voodol
- Slendurn
- Arident
- Gorock
- Ivorage
- Skitterth
- Scaveach
- Chassel
- Fuzzly
- Hivernate
- Grizzlair
- Pyrameow
- Ankhat
- Gallowing
- Harborosa
- Sirender
- Silter
- Aquariell
- Akrilles
- Polypox
- Urchanted
- Mermantic
- Echoral
- Delflauge
- Delfraxion
- Cuddlish
- Vampeye
- Seally
- Clownder
- Booey
- Eevern
- Roargyle
- Flamengon
- Fantasmaug
- Carndy
- Roarn
- Coaleo
- Tartle
- Sweetort
- Singlaze
- Twicing
- Ponsense
- Rhombish
- Javelady
- Ponyata
- Bustag
- Celebaa
- Crestival
- Pyrade
- Chlorinse
- Mascult
- Harplust
- Stelysium
- Rocabayo
- Coltroy
- Bronkilles
- Coocluck
- Cavitaery
- Enamirth
- Larvley
- Purrbal
- Papillow
- Volvolt
- Volvyrm
- Nerincess
- Equeena
- Amphreina
- Scyllagon
- Molit
- Luminose
- Damsleros
- Ribbidi
- Froggidi
- Bogidiboo
- Vampint
- Vasquito
- Mosveratu
- Kelpumpf
- Dispariot
- Kelpumpm
- Trickabod
- Wendevour
- Miragtra
- Inchard
- Pupanel
- Prismarch
- Magester
- Bornith
- Nurstork
- Stilbird
Avoris Region - PokeEngine
- Fyrmite
- Carabomb
- Bombeezle
- Winvern
- Arctalon
- Falcryo
- Springily
- Faelily
- Skewern
- Pierceed
- Skowl
- Owlminous
- Mouskrow
- Mousummit
- Stumple
- Grample
- Echomori
- Sipsap
- Ransap
- Berricutie
- Frutanista
- Grabbit
- Frobber
- Attraknid
- Malevoness
- Picocacto
- Desperogue
- Desperasca
- Aridart
- Territhorn
- Wrecktonic
- Elescent
- Aromaphant
- Maracabre
- Cacotile
- Tankodile
- Pyramud
- Pyradoom
Pokemon Azurite
- Twigit
- Harestic
- Katorit
- Kuuby
- Kitsu
- Kitsurah
- Kikro
- Gekroak
- Sennitoad
- Centillite
- Cocoolite
- Mosquilite
- Azuling
- Psyzul
- Psyclone
- Biroo
- Noctoa
- Edglet
- Hawkedge
- Euthiscus
- Hibidali
- Stalagtic
- Conamite
- Archemite
- Symphy
- Duranae
- Atroceros
- Nymphik
- Hoppercut
- Bratanat
- Witherwind
- Sasaggot
- Frostyke
- Blizound
- Steetic
- Cheetatic
- Harpirit
- Trickgrin
- Bluble
- Humideor
- Joltter
- Boltter
- Anglure
- Anglow
- Alluard
- Cubeat
- Raccoustic
- Grizzwave
- Osbearne
- Cowctus
- Mallocolt
- Candicorn
- Shoul
- Ghoskarf
- Shroudice
- Varymite
- Varantox
- Mosglet
- Tarnavis
- Torpeban
- Amoni
- Adizine
- Tsandchi
- Bagarrough
- Gemeral
- Lushan
- Canoling
- Canoblast
- Nyashi
- Felinshii
- Elepod
- Jellectric
- Mojicle
- Evercle
- Snowze
- Pebbuin
- Pengerupt
- Chaballic
- Poperi
- Lizgroko
- Spranamos
- Embay
- Marvelaze
- Ribikun
- Kunama
- Dragurn
- Drajinn
- Kobble
- Yamaki
- Gareed
- Gnarlic
- Garsome
- Folida
- Savark
- Clavarma
- Sarcospike
- Kotsumo
- Keshigami
- Kokesheity
- Typheon
- Astreon
- Illuseon
- Icheon
- Fulgeon
- Shyneon
- Asawaji
- Chichaw
- Terrevour
- Kindeshu
- Phantitute
- Rablin
- Gilkun
- Bencho
- Senfetta
- Plakidd
- Peaf
- Pearry
- Igniff
- Rafflare
- Heliark
- Oceadon
- Mohavi
- Tyragaan
- Murmurino
- Cerarmor
- Flyfin
- Teranium
- Komisaur
- Clusteorus
- Aklyteor
- Ferociraptor
- Pterysoar
- Hoatzan
- Astralf
- Cosmoose
- Gueel
- Yoppa
- Crystail
- Glacyo
- Wurmidrake
- Visacoon
- Visarab
- Lumeny
- Wombabe
- Korboral
- Dwarpy
- Bonafant
- Wisdaum
- Surchin
- Submurchin
- Nebulent
- Petrifern
- Serrarbo
- Ampin
- Sharquake
Eternal Forest
- Smettle
- Smyucca
- Demonagave
- Pachyball
- Pachyndou
- Pachyvory
- Squini
- Squinja
- Squartial
- Wormini
- Wormeel
- Malarva
- Mosdeng
- Mosboom
- Antager
- Antoldier
- Hamerry
- Hamysos
- Goatanaa
- Goaturly
- Pomara
- Dashean
- Boonny
- Rabball
- Lagorite
Isiah Region - PokeEngine
- Inood
- Shibark
- Gardraog
- Frilzard
- Venomane
- Membraze
- Finvore
- Bullark
- Crushark
- Caviat
- Rodat
- Maggotle
- Rocurl
- Beetil
- Matrimite
- Gremite
- Militherm
- Lightile
- Voltako
- Raigeko
- Inbex
- Titanbex
- Liglit
- Chickoo
- Neskoo
- Falkoo
- Coccoala
- Kitkin
- Munchwin
- Nemokat
- Nettini
- Oosail
- Sagilin
- Roadile
- Tarvial
- Cavorm
- Lumbrig
- Ampelly
- Jelectric
- Bovinda
- Nirvache
- Tabooves
- Drizzlen
- Cumucloud
- Tulifun
- Twoolepin
- Terbipan
- Scalfib
- Lagostr
- Goatee
- Faram
- Crapore
- Sniponge
- Peblock
- Dugmite
- Edjaw
- Banshed
- Maskape
- Triboon
- Neureka
- Encefalug
- Muscolin
- Bosteroid
- Batnap
- Staracula
- Uselake
- Monartide
- Cramic
- Clamsure
- Sweetweet
- Paswan
- Lampea
- Bullama
- Kelbanast
- Tessent
- Tessensei
- Wastered
- Hammeradio
- Eice
- Dreice
- Icigloo
- Wijin
- Summojin
- Raggal
- Dollipop
- Pompadame
- Pelurche
- Beargue
- Urslash
- Froska
- Mafreozee
- Ribone
- Skelenid
- Ugnulash
- Nuspice
- Pepprex
- Anemulp
- Illuquid
- Crasquidor
- Celluler
- Paperlane
- Himegami
- Jawful
- Opilape
- Oragnutan
- Possasse
- Vasegeist
- Slipole
- Pengoof
- Rolloch
- Bouldart
- Gyroar
- Nuggle
- Piragmid
- Eldoredo
- Crimera
- Chiverna
- Sellfish
- Junkid
- Tankyard
- Narnail
- Unirval
- Elekto
- Ambrachios
- Lizmoke
- Charnosaur
- Germinell
- Hyriginell
- Larvatt
- Sparkroll
- Megawatt
- Fulolf
- Teekaboo
- Pendodoom
- Piczarre
- Dorimedon
- Lapot
- Simulogre
- Falchik
- Valkite
- Calvakair
- Cetoacean
- Nicklack
- Silvern
- Avidrage
- Valialty
- Oweesage
- Koslich
- Eiseith
- Excanth
Junnin Region - PokeEngine
- Eucuwala
- Gulacuff
- Timberawl
- Reptling
- Rapteror
- Velosaur
- Yetini
- Yeteen
- Yetitan
- Kindlemur
- Burmurly
- Merculey
- Woolvry
- Clokruel
- Smoldrine
- Batorch
- Batrix
- Vamfire
- Dimetrus
- Permidon
- Lividon
- Liqueel
- Electeel
- Emporeel
- Lochsea
- Nesshoal
- Psyren
- Aromutt
- Odorog
- Chinchul
- Chilleap
- Chiquail
- Mavriquail
- Jayzul
- Jayzure
- Hoppiler
- Cobworm
- Hoppereign
- Rollip
- Rollipod
- Isopanzer
- Ploworm
- Lumbrill
- Baybolt
- Bolteen
- Dandyseed
- Dandylie
- Withereen
- Quartzac
- Equazar
- Campyre
- Wildyre
- Bloatick
- Suckeeto
- Stalad
- Stelimight
- Cavernight
- Sandstrum
- Sanderon
- Shoreking
- Antini
- Insignel
- Stagnel
- Buffhilla
- Bisommit
- Coyoco
- Stuckarp
- Stuckry
- Plubus
- Salamink
- Frostoss
- Kaboo
- Membry
- Fawntia
- Reindolph
- Bansheet
- Teepolter
- Hoodloom
- Cloacover
- Indascent
- Lamplume
- Bottoil
- Cuncoldron
- Tarift
- Tarzorus
- Tuttby
- Whiscleo
- Pharoar
- Equia
- Treiarch
- Andromini
- Llampas
- Danfluff
- Alfalphalops
- Therpal
- Aspfault
- Tarmendoa
- Burbwhirl
- Spoutlaw
- Vaquamael
- Chewmunk
- Cheekat
- Specoey
- Opakespiel
- Kwaile
- Quailert
- Quailstion
- Sighlo
- Cooreds
- Probaska
- Histameanie
- Apheed
- Musleafo
- Eecroach
- Clamtrip
- Rowviar
- Sanook
- Tofrug
- Kaskazog
- Ananot
- Ananoop
- Mosster
- Mosskrat
- Catteraxe
- Catatomb
- Enigmeon
- Desoray
- Pudet
- Woond
- Pramblo
- Glashulimp
- Drout
- Guruchi
- PorygonOmega
- Estoe
- Perpetua
- Tooburm
- Detrarc
- Qayagus
- Auditaur
- Oxillery
- Mienflux
- Gneckle
- Rabyoose
- Tamroast
- Vitisquash
- Dionysseur
- Umbralu
- Nomobjeka
- Kleptarak
- Kituff
- Beadamup
- Rascoom
- Faebril
- Botnyak
- Vendrom
- Buwuve
- Wasgrowl
- Worcane
- Probat
- Jemineye
- Oracub
- Bearvoyance
- Folleming
- Drosabell
- Yanmage
- Bloomage
- Obsidious
- Mercryni
- Meraculisk
- Golgre
- Prospectre
- Skideer
- Yuleigh
- Feafurr
- Vaicear
- Phisnooz
- Telemac
- Macedontus
- Crynorawst
- Rotomb
- Tamunk
- Temunk
- Manadza
- Arctikull
- Wicoot
- Orbtholod
- Pestalation
- Revylon
- Leoseace
- Lamentu
- EndramOdai
Midamis Region - PokeEngine
- Florcoon
- Bufaroon
- Grandaroon
- Pyrall
- Baufire
- Inferlauf
- Aquaff
- Aqualf
- Oxatear
- Mitorch
- Taratorcha
- Terramite
- Terragrip
- Geropian
- Malropian
- Rabolt
- Rabullet
- Flurse
- Elvile
- Raniron
- Steelke
- Vauxee
- Vauxelle
- Vacute
- Vacule
- Veefere
- Chaust
- Charmir
- Sambranaust
- Cloflower
- Petafleur
- Florown
- Earwick
- Earmor
- Veneedle
- Poisapine
- Doree
- Dawreel
- Minrok
- Minryde
- Birred
- Birryde
- Tweetrille
- Woodtryle
- Biduane
- Bidengel
- Bidread
- Childer
- Norewin
- Lauves
- Lauvered
- Lauvader
- Raunny
- Raudren
- Unmol
- Minole
- Grannole
- Proseed
- Tulipro
- Felefox
- Valvette
- Rewt
- Salrander
- Tumbeaver
- Kremcee
- Haleet
- Chulee
- Chanalee
- Chislee
- Kintee
- Kinett
- Kinettee
- Fai
- Pafrei
- Freil
- Faipan
- Pangel
- Gurangle
- Liotee
- Leeverge
- Irise
- Yeraze
- Sharmor
- Sharmaul
- Sevris
- Cradvris
- Floatate
- Fleetade
- Valiade
- Causit
- Cassidite
- Cascassidine
- Glauvee
- Glaufang
- Glaure
- Criwely
- Crauwly
- Craud
- Preano
- Prarendo
- Paradeano
- Flawsy
- Flawepsi
- Psian tor
- Dratt
- Drowler
- Foratt
- Breame
- Awespark
- Awesurge
- Kwauwk
- Quwauzrel
- Enlune
- Petri
- Petricus
- Craura
- Hindawn
- Grizzik
- Moucroon
- Kujee
- Buarajee
- Dauvall
- Feefish
- Fencette
- Feegremin
- Karmean
- Hailoman
- Inferaid
- Davolee
- Dauriasse
- Poiriasse
- Groviasse
- Denruu
- Velifite
- Raptrocas
- Juldon
- Abramadon
- Adeerex
- Leebrio
- Leebrey
- Leeceri
- Kiell
- Kiriliel
- Kivirial
- Mesopolin
- Kaplantis
- Valhengu
- Luceyan
- Kamiyin
- Balas
- Autricee
Pokemon Myth
- Snick
- Torsnail
- Wavstisnail
- Swove
- Eledove
- Magnidove
- Dampurr
- Soakcuff
- Delugar
- Caitlit
- Caitfyr
- Blazesidhe
- Hissiorite
- Cobarett
- Pythonova
- Waelin
- Skreychee
- Bindshii
- Slinkee
- Elinkee
- Serpensync
- Cocoling
- Coconab
- Cocofested
- Chimeaura
- Raccane
- Draccane
- Raccolossus
- Baulder
- Dredrock
- Tekagon
- Lavee
- Lavare
- Lavarator
- Combateon
- Crystaleon
- Toxeon
- Spectreon
- Aereon
- Duneon
- Titaneon
- Ascenteon
- Sonareon
- Stingeon, renamed from Scorpeon to avoid duplicates
- Plaineon
- Fenrour
- Lihgeri
- Freknight
- Phenelpha
- Hummony
Nosto Region - PokeEngine
- Neschick
- Phloxling
- Mosstrich
- Treetle
- Tumball
- Titanoss
- Pepinch
- Torpepo
- Melauncher
- Charrat
- Blashrew
- Explodent
- Squiddle
- Squignite
- Cephlame
- Drimp
- Prawnee
- Fabulusk
- Cheekii
- Grumpster
- Ferasquab
- Streedove
- Urbigeon
- Principillar
- Kookoon
- Fluttereign
- Larvake
- Mockoon
- Mimoth
- Cherm
- Cherrish
- Denshirui
- Melabuzz
- Mieltz
- Mieltzar
- Budcheep
- Paratweet
- Pinksqueek
- Pinkaboo
- Stalittle
- Sedinane
- Carrauntain
- Tuburrow
- Tunnelurm
- Audibat
- Chiraudio
- Echolocave
- Flintten
- Scruffur
- Olynx
- Hairibble
- Furrocious
- Glyptic
- Buttereef
- Oarful
- Pyrant
- Piluma
- Killarumi
- Metalien
- Lunetal
- Galextrial
- Shrimpond
- Pekaboo
- Pitohood
- Aviafel
- Cursour
- Frankensour
- Halux
- Visian gel
- Marshun
- Brailien
- Cereboost
- Pix
- PixE
- PixL
- Twinkluppy
- Notillunar
- Rosinella
- Sinsenella
- Dysmerella
- Signapsi
- Reneuron
- Brainergy
- Primmella
- Primmadame
- Primmoiselle
- Plasduck
- Fauxmingo
- Swandola
- Buldough
- Duggout
- Seasaw
- Chainjaw
- Atlarv
- Atlagon
- Pigstyk
- Lumboar
- Hogstead
- Planebe
- Staurbor
- Mantaqua
- Merineon
- Teslax
- Zexalax
- Diagem
- Cephalotox
- Feiring
- Pendelf
- Encrona
- Tilow
- Candhoul
- Chandemise
- Novil
- Azatome
- Necromanos
- Vaniteeny
- Boodoir
- Maspook
- Cresprit
- Spectmare
- Suravi
- Pzeigon
Oceane Region - PokeEngine
- Bublit
- Nautilite
- Tentalcyon
- Friney
- Ripplier
- Swordier
- Nomstar
- Disastar
- Ferossicle
- Planten
- Handren
- Digdog
- Groundhound
- Sweal
- Fleezer
- AFleezer
- Swirlsea
- Spirashell
- Sealestial
- Urchum
- Urtichum
- Parrosea
- Nauticaw
- Coronacaw
- Reefam
- Appendash
- Nutsy
- Jawson
- Merbebi
- Shrimpnotize
- Phantamaron
- Rayscal
- Rayth
- Minusplus
- Siphonowar
- Uphonowar
- Cachaleen
- Submalot
- Porpice
- Balacier
- Armacle
- Barbarrage
- Snaptrap
- Snaggrip
- Merluscious
- Spunch
- Upporecut
- Twintacle
- Undallure
- Ghoubloon
- Drenchest
- Medissin
- Mambaboo
- Floink
- Hypnode
- Cupscape
- Nodescape
- Reefazoid
- Amusea
- Finfetti
- Harlefin
- Ziptide
- Moreen
- Salpackin
- Eletta
- Sentresha
- Origalleon
- Tatatot
- Drumbum
- Symphonia
- Camozoic
- Churlice
- Torchurn
- Altarath
- Topsee
- Hallucid
- Spectrance
- Grasstache
- Papalgae
- Lavrassire
- Mamagma
- Kellyp
- Ferrush
- Bwobble
- Noxical
- Venomenace
- Octomuray
- Cycaroon
- Argoceane
- Dreadtyde
- Abysside();
Pokemon Opalo
Pokemon Realidea System
- Meadew
- Ninfae
- Faeuna
- Mousic
- Rabatuta
- Flamelin
- Gulliby
- Saigull
- Seaghoul
Rica Region - PokeEngine
- Cotylit
- Cotyleaf
- Nymphlora
- Bunfin
- Arsinge
- Rupsen
- Mirmoor
- Sloowin
- Atrocean
- Skurrel
- Sparskia
- Sparruff
- Wingale
- Yuvirro
- Archick
- Terundra
- Pupsea
- Blubbark
- Sealord
- Merjestic
- Cyton
- Kaidon
- Skunfume
- Perfessence
- Tinion
- Onioni
- Leekadon
- Larmidge
- Dormidge
- Chirmidge
- Ostrodd
- Orbizarre
- Tadport
- Psionewt
- Desmodon
- Leaflit
- Fauxiage
- Fluffaux
- Lepillusion
- Tapirunt
- Voltapir
- Odonymph
- Nymbide
- Dranax
- Skulmet
- Femurk
- Foromen
- Chirpunch
- Taekowl
- Minilith
- Bolstone
- Terrouldite
- Cosmite
- Shiverel
- Stoatzen
- Trinctite
- Crystallier
- Garrachnid
- Anau
- Sunole
- Baskilisk
- Solana
- Tusslett
- Rufooster
- Odorable
- Rabite
- Bubbweed
- Drifsea
- Starphin
- Lunorca
- Gupplash
- Arowish
- Tarspook
- Spookaye
- Fleetle
- Vorasect
- Crabot
- Craborg
- Mambolt
- Anaconduct
- Colobud
- Makakari
- Embear
- Bearserk
- Fumabor
- Crocoil
- Platypoint
- Platoxic
- Siamouth
- Toxito
- Leaflow
- Plecobble
- Granikan
- Spinox
- Impuck
- Impifaun
- Leptric
- Energeel
- Mermew
- Clampurr
- Welking
- Sweetoad
- Spoocap
- Sporror
- Bloogoo
- Lazyrd
- Ampeck
- Boombird
- Ailember
- Genetorch
- Pichip
- Shifuu
- Delibo
- Helibo
- Drocopter
- Coliber
- Coliboom
- Barnub
- Detritan
- Moreel
- Darscale
- Fridgid
- Cirritwirl
- Torricane
- Pixiflake
- Wyvet
- Draybow
- Delphair
- Aerocea
- Tardidure
- Etornal
- Tunnelid
- Solios
Pokemon Umbra
- Psypole
- Telefrog
- Tarotoad
- Boxeroo
- Marsupunch
- Kankombat
- Seijitsu
- Kousetsu
- Mangetsu
- Rockroach
- Boulderoach
- Axolil
- Visimander
- Webbat
- Vamprachne
- Cutesnoot
- Coatisnotti
- Ospuny
- Osprowl
- Ospredator
- Pakrat
- Bakpakrat
- Royalarva
- Superbpa
- Regalocera
- Carapad
- Puripad
- Simpaima
- Arowisen
- Spidoux
- Aracide
- Mimectar
- Skittail
- Timiphid
- Chromite
- Oviseed
- Hoofern
- Asparies
- Pixipetal
- Florafay
- Zapouch
- Mannovolt
- Hemocto
- Alucuttle
- Sorroul
- Depressoul
- Spectorment
- Accerval
- Warrush
- Hauntodile
- Necrodile
- Gichet
- Crickjaw
- Tascorch
- Tastorture
- Shrimpink
- Armaroma
- Pricklebun
- Cackrabbit
- Sonoralope
- Chubren
- Roadren
- Malleamole
- Shoxin
- Noxurge
- Calientoad
- Picantoad
- Volcantoad
- Baquini
- Modelfin
- Muertapoise
Pokemon Vanguard
- Magnemelt
- Fleumingo
- Loathedisc
- Gyropass
- Amacorala
- Solacor
- Dunmyth
- Dundragon
- Merlicun
- Firomenis
- Wolfum
- Supiritto
- Infernadeer
- Cradecart
- Sylure
- Syrallure
- Syrenade
- Tartot
- Teranigrade
- Setsarec
Varitas Region - PokeEngine
- Capillar
- Beacoon
- Fulgoryu
- Feebleg
- Webbind
- Taranterror
- Dorsel
- Riverous
- Stalacbite
- Stalagoyle
- Claggy
- Scrachty
- Meansprout
- Meanstalk
- Sinistalk
- Hoofin
- Wardrab
- Menasuit
- Dapperition
- Plumplasm
- Phantomnom
- Germite
- Gastropox
- Agitwin
- Naeglerium
- Dicell
- Minicule
- Atomix
- Kwiklik
- Binarray
- Purradox
- Grimpire
- Volcamone
- Tanklang
- Goopipe
- Piplex
- Sinklutter
- Dustout
- Kirinirik
- Concealeon
- Pestilint
- Carvesta
- Molcarona
- Grimire
- Stuk
- Fretal
- Canopeace
- Grassola
- Graceola
- Severm
- Infesteed
- Frankensteen
- Sporges
- Mirrorigus
- Porygon
- Snarlax
- Lasaur
- Lectrosaur
- Confectious
- Garbadjinn
- Togetect
Pokemon Vega/Deneb
- Nimbleaf
- Leafrond
- Syleafid
- Peyero
- Infiris
- Astignite
- Liquiput
- Hydrush
- Correncid
- Takuni
- Percussoon
- Cupricorn
- Hornikel
- Goabalt
- Cuppa
- Kapwondo
- Dorfin
- Darca
- Narwhail
- Glachild
- Frozaiden
- Aurostice
- Lunabitt
- Lunabain
- Liepus
- Liedoro
- Rollder
- Rotillo
- Tentyrant
- Sphericoil
- Willisp
- Wisplode
- Plasmox
- Blitzune
- Baizeast
- Mintch
- Blakjak
- Maneko
- Bakeko
- Clotaku
- Ajarimus
- Jarmit
- Hantama
- Spelven
- Jamberree
- Strawna
- Mornwing
- Guldawn
- Solarisen
- Dizasol
- Folifarig
- Snalo
- Serplant
- Velvelt
- Grissly
- Psycolt
- Kinegasus
- Yunesis
- Lephan
- Ganerth
- Rynos
- Feroceros
- Violo
- Rumpet
- Pian on
- Yucarlia
- Necrosia
- Stellith
- Planite
- Kirgicia
- Glamarde
- Ptervus
- Pteriarch
- Grindon
- Scimitooth
- Tyranos
- Pressie
- Laquagon
- Dragune
- Nostratos
- Lylapse
- Ganimede
- Nemea
- Aldina
- Almaria
- Asphere
- Basille
- Basield
- Basilux
- Patroleo
- Gardleon
- Royalert
- Katuna
- Maelstream
- Skelachone
- Cheshile
- Cheshess
- Chessire
- Rivird
- Mingola
- Pachirikku
- Pumpkid
- Wikkin
- Rougella
- Tanuking
- Switza
- Purimodo
- Shivermin
- Nymphrost
- Conductot
- Ledybulk
- Modra
- Komoragon
- Lilynary
- Kaminary
- Grieflame
- Scorment
- Rubball
- Phantonate
- Strawick
- Strawicked
- Puffume
- Turblimp
- Yolkid
- Corenom
- Coropper
- Coruda
- Coraga
- Lizzle
- Drizzlob
- Droudrop
- Droudrum
- Clouff
- Cloubus
- Dvaarak
- Doodloo
- Billserk
- Sableater
- Jawile
- Pinchor
- Adnokana
- Cheauking
- Guppyre
- Diaduna
- Relicore
- Fujinel
- Sabrinel
- Smalmon
- Trojalmon
- Punchild
- Combound
- Wombaton
- Sandrill
- Yulfoe
- Galaxia
- Sealkie
- Selody
- Rooten
- Rudebarb
- Dislichen
- Lumoss
- Combant
- Arincess
- Ranconette
- Carnivice
- Toxroach
- Cocrogue
- Valentide
- Shretainer
- Samushrai
- Ambilade
- Mandiblade
- Mercenade
- Terubim
- Blizentork
- Galavagos
- Auldsparce
- RDuckulus
- Roytsar
- Gatanoia
- Lukewran
- Capyba
- Capiland
- Wallachy
- Tawachy
- Ploviey
- Hyorhythm
- Tombeat
- Birarchy
- Wochecho
- Dokangu
- Parakka
- Dannpyre
- Shobuna
- Zebatoru
- Kaliyote
- Bonchild
- Flaraizer
- Blazferno
- Karebani
- Furabani
- Pukuhamu
- Puugamu
- Darakuma
- Hatarakuma
- Remonisu
- Renemodo
- Bari
- Yaban
- Janbos
- Ishiarare
- Dorisuton
- Rokunaito
- Viperzang
- Sevicrush
- Shakutto
- Kureigu
- Shakuzora
- Pojiya
- Monebu
- Benoreto
- Perame
- Madara
- Kodachiuo
- Surudoika
- Eameiru
- Fruitius
- Rakusuna
- Sunankusu
- Kamafura
- Pinnatto
- Gagokin
- Borubotto
- Boltuft
- Sailodon
- Spinerus
- Foreiphin
- Travelphin
- Toranya
- Nyaga
- Byakuga
- Noshyu
- Snofa
- Kofarudo
- Illime
- Illapod
- Illiran
- Setoshiba
- Setohachi
- Setoguo
- Motaccba
- Hatenazemi
- Baburun
- Garakasago
- Supaina
- Baretta
- Keruena
- Hanamimizu
- Tsuruborosu
- Fupi
- Fupyan
- Iyaiya
- Yandeddo
- Dakkoala
- Koalashi
- Magukigai
- Tetoraito
- Pawahon
- Granvesp
- Sukabi
- Kusomarume
- Hikarabe
- Hazekonko
- Honetto
- Mameden
- Daiomu
- Yukidaru
- Doraiasu
- Elidon
- Suripitto
- Karakoron
- Demini
- Demiddul
- Demorigan
- Arugari
- Anoga
- Kasodan
Fixes crash for creative menu / startup
Fixes crash with the creative menu.
- Redid the spawns for all of the implemented pokemon. All spawns should now be valid, and generally Fakemon should be more easily encountered in your worlds.
- Fixes conversion from feet to meters for scaling purposes. This is what was causing Hoennian billboards to be massive.
This update fixes various issues with forms, such as:
- Fixed forms ignoring ban-lists.
- Fixed forms not having their baseScale updated.
We've also fixed some animations and posing files that were reported, so thank you everyone who has submitted a bug.
It also adds 2 new requested labels for you to filter by; "fakemonevolution" and "eeveelution"
This update fixes various issues with forms, such as:
- Fixed forms ignoring ban-lists.
- Fixed forms not having their baseScale updated.
- Fixed Mintch not evolving. We've also fixed some animations and posing files that were reported, so thank you everyone who has submitted a bug.
It also adds 2 new requested labels for you to filter by; "fakemonevolution" and "eeveelution"
A minor hotfix is here
- Fixed minability of deepslate solid stone ore
- Made ores more rare
- Fixed some dependencies not being included as mandatory