- Added the deep oasis biome
- Added a new warden tracker item
- Added a new altar fragment item
- Added the resonate sculk-enchanment
- Added the shrieker sense sculk-enchanment
- Added an easy way to get all deeper dark items in creative mode
- Added a way to activate the portals
- Replaced the deeper dark's ancient cities with the new ancient fortress structure
- Redesigned the amethyst mines biome
- Redesigned the sculk conversion system
- Replaced the moss room of the amethyst mineshaft with a farm
- Randomized layout of amethyst mineshaft storage rooms
- Randomized layout of amethyst mineshaft house rooms
- Shockwaves have a new texture
- Improved shockwave ai
- Shockwaves can now dig into the ground when stuck
- Shockwaves now respawn
- Shockwaves now drop sculk catalysts and soul sand
- New advancements and advancement changes
- New loot tables and loot table changes
- Armor in structures can now spawn with sculk enchants
- biomes now have unique water colors
- more than 1 echo shard can be enchanted when entering the deeper dark
- keep inventory override now defaults to false (for mod compatibility)
- Wardens no longer drop activated sculk shriekers or enchanted books
- Shockwaves can no longer break iron bars
- Added tuff to the volcanic caverns biome
- Removed tag for amethyst mineshaft
- Fixed a bug where sculk traps could replace gravel
- Fixed a bug where structure could sometimes collide with each other
- Fixed a bug where the splash potion of blindness had an extra space at the end of it's name
- Replaced amethyst mineshaft Explorer map with amethyst mineshaft locator compass
- Updated pack.png
- Sculk sensors and shriekers are now less common in the amethyst mines
- Sonic boom attack can now hit through armor, enchantments, and shields
- Sonic boom particles are now forced
- Reworked the keepInventory override
- Calibrated sculk sensors now spawn in the amethyst mines biome.
- Ward armor trim now spawns in ancient city and amethyst mineshaft house chests.
- Silence armor trim now spawns in sculk trap and amethyst mineshaft house chests. (Not in the overworld anymore)
- Safefall enchantment will no longer deactivate when sneaking.
- Amethyst mineshafts are now more common.
- Fixed a bug where enchanted books dropped by the warden can't be applied. books obtained by killing the warden prior to this version won't work.
- Added gamerule to stop shockwaves from emitting light.
- Sneaking now stops vibrations caused by taking damage.
- Better integration with 1.20.
- Updated to 1.20 and 1.20.1
- Fixed a bug where you could get teleported to a random cave in the overworld when trying to enter the deeper dark.
- Decreased world build limit back down to 64.
- Increased performance.
- Added gamerules.
- Removed secret debug superflat dimension.
- Fixed other small bugs.
- Added new biome: Amethyst Mines.
- Added new structure: Amethyst Mineshaft.
- Added new mob: Shockwave.
- Increased world height from 64 to 127.
- Added anti-out-of-bounds.
- Changed deeper dark cave generation.
- Added new loot tables.
- Add new advancement.
- Sculk traps now have a 100% chance to generate with a sculk-enchanted book.
- Reworked the custom enchanting system to be less buggy. if you have any custom enchanted books or custom enchanted armor, you will need to find new books and reenchant the armor. (It will show that you have the enchant twice.)
- Fixed a bug where you couldn't enchant armor that had protection on it.
- Updated the datapack to 1.19.4
- Coal ore now generates in the deeper dark.
- Gravel now generates in the volcanic caverns biome.
- More ancient debris can be found in city chests that spawn in the volcanic caverns biome.
- Volcanic caverns biome spawning location has been tweaked.
- Added sculk conversion process.
- Updated sonic attack to be more accurate to the warden's sonic attack.
- Sonic attack can now go through walls.
- Sculk enchantments can now be applied to modded armor.
- Sculk traps are now more common.
- Sculk traps and deeper dark ancient cities now spawn in the volcanic caverns biome.
- Sculk enchantment books now always spawn in sculk trap barrels.
- Darkspeed will now only activate when you're standing on the ground and will deactivate when you're flying.