BN 3.0.0 - 1.21.4
Disclaimer: Due to significant tech changes from 1.21.3 to 1.21.4, worlds that were previously in 1.21.3 will break when loaded in 1.21.4.
It's recommended that you start a new world if you are planning on running version 3.0.
//-- Alrighty, its finally time! 1.21.4 here we go! --//
Changes: -Updated all functionality to work with 1.21.4 (Many back end changes). -Fixed Packing Table recipes.
-Recipes: -Added Pale Oak Prep Table -Added Pale Oak Register -Added Bakery Nametag -Updated Recipes to work with 1.21.4
Register Mechanic Updates: -Reworked the Bakery Naming mechanic. -You now need to craft a Bakery Nametag instead of using the nametag item.
-This update fixes a couple bugs with the register; -The Register Entity is no longer able to be interacted with. -This solves the infamous "Glow Item Frame" glitch when clicked at a certain angle - deleting the register. -You can now place blocks next to the register again.
VOA datapack crossover: -Updated VOA crossover functionality.
Resource Pack: -Updated resource pack to 1.21.4
BN 2.1.2 - QOL Update
//-- I think this is the update everybody has been waiting for. A badly needed QOL update! All recipes are now unlocked in the crafting book without needing to have previously crafted them. NO MORE NEED TO CONSTANTLY HAVE THE WIKI OPEN :D --//
Changes: -All Recipes have been added to the crafting book.
This includes:
- Workstations
- Custom Blocks
- Food Recipes
All recipes now appear under their appropriate tabs in the crafting table knowledge book.
- -Fixed an issue where special effects weren't triggering when consuming Wizard Candies, or the Blaze Powder donut.
- -Buffed Chocolate Hopper Effects (Jump EVEN Higher!)
BN 2.1.0 - 1.21.3 Update
- -Recipes now work with 1.21.3 (They all broke when the update was released)
- -pack version is now 57.
Resource Pack:
- -Models have been updated to work with 1.21.3
- -pack version is now 42.
**BN 2.0.5 --- **
Register Mechanic
- -Nerfed Mid-Tier Baked Goods.
- -Now have a 50% chance to sell for 2 emeralds & grant 2 points.
- -Has a 50% chance to sell for 1 emerald & grant 1 point.
-Fixed an issue where Bakery Scoreboard show for all players on the server when one player is next to the register.
BN 2.0.3 --- Better Baking Bureau (BBB) Update
//--- Ladies and Gentleman, start your ovens! Because the BBB Update is hitting the shelves near you. Consider this a large addition to the register mechanic. We now have a way to "Progress" and unlock rewards for your bakery! ---//
Added Bakery Specific: Level Mechanic. -Novice -Seasoned -Elite
Abstract: How it works: -Bakeries go up levels for selling Baked Goods! -Certain baked goods are worth more points - Shown as emeralds. -Players can see all bakeries in the server via the new sidebar menu (Active when the player is within 3 blocks of a register) -Compete with your friends to have the highest grossing sales on the server!
Level Point Chart: (Tracked through a scoreboard). -(0-49 Pts) - Unranked. -(50-161 Pts) - Novice Bakery = unlocked at 54 Points. -(162-299 Pts) Seasoned Bakery = unlocked at 162 Points. -(348+ Pts) Elite Bakery = unlocked at 348 Points. !Important! : Make sure you have open slots in your register block! Otherwise you will miss the rewards!
Level-Up Rewards: -Novice Level (3x Novice Bakers Reward) -Seasoned Bakery (3x Seasoned Bakers Reward) -Elite Bakery (3x Elite Bakery)
Point Conversion Chart: -Low (Easy to Make) - Pies (1 Point) *Pumpkin Pie *Berry Pie *Apple Pie
-Medium (Mid-Tier Baked Goods) - (2 Points) *Berry Cheesecake *Berry Muffin *Brownies *Carrot Cake *Cupcake *Red Velvet Cupcake *Fox Fudge *Honeybuns
-Heavy Reward (Expensive/Exquisite Baked Goods) - (3 Points) *Blaze Powder Donut *Boomin Bon Bons *Chocolate Hopper *Lumen Beans *Sickly Sweets *Whirlin Beez
Naming Convention - Naming your Bakery - !!important!!
- Using a Name Tag, Name your nametag item via an anvil (This will be the name of your Bakery).
- With the Name Tag named - right click the very North West corner of the Register block (It's an invisible armor stand) *You will see the use animation, that's how you will know you've named it.
- The Bakery Name will not instantly show up in the sidebar panel, in order for it to update the Bakery name you need to sell a sweet box of any type.
- Once you have named your bakery (Named the invisible Armor stand on the register block) & Sold a Sweet Box, you will see the name show up in the sidebar panel.
Default Naming Conventions 1.If you already have Baked Necessities installed, and have register blocks placed and Active they will be renamed to : "Unnamed Bakery" 2.Otherwise, if you place a new Register Block down it will be called <Wood Type> Block Bakery. 3.You can always change the default name by following the naming convention instructions above!
A General Warning - Picking up your register block RESETS all Bakery Levels of the active register.
General Changes: Blaze Powder Donuts: Buffed - Doubled the duration of strength and fire resistance. Now applies strength II Instead of strength I.
-Fixed an issue where, if you had one sweetbox in your main hand you would automatically obtain the Sweetdeal quest reward. *This was happening with the following sweetboxes: -Carrot Cake -Lumen Beans
-Bakers Oven -Batter bowls no longer fly into oblivion when tossed at the bakers oven, they now appear in the nearest players inventory. -Increased Sweet Boxing Range from 2.5 >> 3 blocks.
-Coffee Pot -Increased Bottling Range from 2.5 >> 3 blocks.
BN 2.0.1 Hotfix --------------------------------- 1.21 Update
Bakers Oven/Coffee Pot Baked goods/drinks now appear in the nearest player's inventory instead of just summoning above the machine when the stone button is hit.
General Changes: Sickly Sweets - buffed; now have a shorter duration before health buff kicks in.
BN 2.0 Re-Launch --------------------------------- 1.21 Update - Vaults of Abandon data pack - Crossover Update
//--- The time has finally come, Baked Necessities is coming to 1.21! Warm those ovens, because this update is about to get SWEET! After many, many, many, MANY backend changes that were brought forward in 1.20.5, 1.20.6, AND 1.21 I am proud to present the BN 2.0 Relaunch! --//
!!!A word of warning - If you plan to add this pack to a current world that has BN 1.2.0-pre, I would recommend backing up the work before installing 2.0. There were quite a few changes to BN on the backend, and I am sure that many things will break. If you are starting a new world; this shouldn't be a problem.
Additions: (All new recipes are updated on the Wiki). -Baking Mechanics; -Added Crafting Recipe for Bakers Oven. *Baked Goods are now crafted into Batters that need to be baked in the new Bakers Oven Block. -VERY IMPORTANT: Once you cook a batter, you can now pack sweet boxes right into Sweet Boxes right at the bakers oven. This can be done by holding a piece of paper in your main hand and clicking the stone button on the Bakers Oven when the baked good has finished cooking! Consider this a LARGE quality of life update. -Newly added Baking Mechanics are covered in full on the Wiki ( -Quick Warning, the detection radius of Bakers Ovens is a little large, I recommend spacing out Bakers Ovens (1 block in between) to avoid other ovens grabbing batters. -Updated all food items to work with 1.21 -VERY IMPORTANT: Once you craft a batter, it can now be found under the knowledge book for easy crafting. Yet again another LARGE quality of life update. -Same goes with all workstations that you craft (Prep Table, Register, Bakers Oven, Coffee Pot, etc.)
-Nutrition Values have been updated for almost every food Item; -Pies: *All Pies restore the same value as pumpkin pie (4.8 Sat. and 8 Hunger) -Bars: *All bars now restore the same value as Cooked Chicken (7.2 Sat. and 6 Hunger) -Cupcakes & Muffins: *Now restore the same value as Bread (5 Sat. and 6 Hunger) -Honeybun: *Received huge buff because Honey is a pain to obtain; Honeybuns now restore slightly more than a Golden Carrot (7.2 Sat. and 15.5 Hunger). -Blaze Powder Donut: *now restores the same value as Cooked Chicken (7.2 Sat. and 6 Hunger) -Wizarding Sweets: *now restores the same value as Carrots (3.2 Sat. and 3 Hunger) *Candies can now always be consumed even if you're not missing hunger.
-Bakers Rewards *If you have the Vaults of Abandon data pack enabled, now expect to find VOA related loot in Baker Rewards. -Bakers Rewards just got much sweeter.
Resource Pack: -New Textures added. -Textures for Batters added. -All textures updated for 1.21 -Updated to version: 2.0
Cafe Update - BN 1.2.0.pre ------------------------------
/--- Alrighty folks, I'm excited to announce some very exciting upcoming changes to this pack: Introducing the Cafe Update!
Here's the rundown of what I plan to add throughout the Cafe Update: *Players can open a coffee shop with a new block. -You will be able to sell beverages to villagers. -It might have custom menu mechanics, I'm unsure of how this would work yet. I don't want to make it too complex. -Probably will be getting some new decorations as well.
*If the Coffee Pot Mechanics work properly, I'll be introducing a very exciting mechanic! ~The Bakers Oven!(Similar mechanics to the coffee pot). -Instead of just crafting the baked goods on crafting table I wanted to introduce a more immersive experience. *You will now craft batters - which you will toss into the Bakers Oven in order to Bake into Baked goods. *Finally ~ putting the Bake in Baked Necessities!
-Anyway, for now I will leave you brewing with excitement - enjoy the new coffee pot in this current update! --//
- -Added Coffee Pot - w/ Brewing mechanics (New Placeable Block/Workstation)
- -Added Crafting Recipe for Coffee Pot.
- -Added Recipes Crafting Recipes for Herbal Teas, and Coffees.
- *New Brewable Beverages:
- -Coffee (Grants 1:30 minutes of Haste upon drinking)
- -Tea (Grants 3 minutes of Haste upon drinking)
How Coffee Pots Work:
- -Craft Coffee Pot on the Crafting Table.
- -Craft new Brewing Blends (Coffee/Tea) on the crafting table.
Place Coffee pot.
Toss ONE of the new Brewing Blends at the coffee pot (Currently if you toss the full stack, it will consume the whole stack of brewing blends - Looking to fix this in the future).
Beverages will now brew for 10 seconds.
Coffee Pot will ding when the beverage is done brewing.
With an Empty Glass Bottle in Handle, right click the button on the machine.
Receive your newly crafted beverage and enjoy!
Full instructions can be found on the wiki:
Resource Pack:
- -New Textures added.
- Updated to version: 1-2-0.pre
Changelog BN 1.1.7 ---------------------------------
Additions: -Pumpkin Pie is officially joining the Items that can be Sweet Boxed! -Pumpkin Pie SB Recipe added. -Pumpkin Pie can now be displayed and sold to villagers. -Wandering Traders will now offer a Pumpkin Pie Sweet Deal.
Resource Pack: -New Textures added. Updated to version: 1-1-4